Yesterday, during a very chaotic day, I noticed that Witten's chin was swollen. He is eighteen years old and slowing down, so any kind of infection worries us. While I had hair cut appointment yesterday, and with Cheryl needing to study, we realized that we had to get him in to see Dr. Hong our vet.
Cheryl, the ever-amazing planner that she is, decided that I should quickly mow the lawn, take a shower, and then go get my haircut -- there was just enough time. She took Witten to the vet, along with some books so she could try to study while making sure Witten could be seen.
Of course, Cheryl was right. I mowed the lawn and grabbed a quick shower. As I was driving to my haircut appointment, she called to say that indeed Witten had an abcess. Dr. Hong drained it, gave us antibiotics to give Witten, and gave us instructions on how to care for his abcess. He's going to be fine, thanks in no small part to Cheryl's quick thinking! I just love her so much! And I am so lucky!
Be safe,
The worst person in the world today
6 years ago