What a long strange trip it's been! We stayed at the Embassy Suites in downtown Tampa for the two days of the Florida Bar Exam. I took off on Wednesday so that I could check out of the room, gather all of the crap we took with us, and be ready to pick Cheryl up at 1630. That part went off without a hitch (one-in-a-row!)
Cheryl thinks she did "OK" -- I think she did fine! We'll see on 11 April when the grades are posted ...
On a lighter note, the new band I'm,
The Time of Our Lives Band in plays its first gig tomorrow! It's a birthday party for AJ, one of the founders of TTOOL, and we're only doing four tunes, should be a lot of fun! We rehearsed together for the first time last night! We are already sounding awesome!
There is AJ, who plays guitar, bass, and sings; AJ's wife, CC, who sings her ass off; Phil on lead vocals, guitar, bass guitar; John on drums and vocals (great voice and a very solid drummer); and me. I'll be playing saxes, flute, some bass, singing, and perhaps keys.
But it's great to have Cheryl back "home!"
We bought several plants at Home Depot today, so the yard will look nicer, and Cheryl will finally be able to get some dirt under her nails!
Also, I heard from an old 2nd Armored Division Band mate! Larry Biring, who was the saxophone section leader and an all-around great guy found me on FaceBook! It was great to hear from him!
Well, more later ...